Find peace with an online mental health professional
Begin personalized, high-quality care in a matter of minutes. Our vetted ecosystem of psychiatrists and therapists evaluate, diagnose, and treat psychiatric care customized for you.

Comprehensive, team-based approach.

Holistic, customized treatment plan.

Premium care at the cost of a co-pay.
Find the right mental health professional for you
We are determined to provide you with the best treatment. To do this, we need to talk more about the difference between a therapist and a psychiatrist.
When to see a therapist:
- You are having difficulty letting go of past trauma
- You feel like your relationships are no longer nurturing, or feel trapped in an unhealthy relationship pattern
- You would like to use talk therapy to set goals and reach them
- You want to increase your quality of life without the use of medication
When to see a psychiatrist:
- You notice physical symptoms that affect your quality of life
- You have a known diagnosis such as Anxiety, Depression, or ADHD that will benefit from medication
- You feel as though you can’t control or manage your emotions
- Excessive overthinking and worry surrounding issues in your life

SohoMD's Unique Approach
At SohoMD, we stepped outside of the box and reimagined what therapy could do to support and change lives. We take a more individualized, comprehensive approach than mainstream teletherapy providers and we’ve made it easy to get started.
Our provider directory is an easy way to find a mental health professional that matches your needs. No surprises, no catches, just high-quality therapy accessible to anyone.